Liberation Prayers (Nedren) in Bodhgaya

Ayang Rinpoche performs the Nedren Ceremony of Liberating Dead Beings


At the conclusion of this year’s Phowa Course in Bodhgaya, Ayang Rinpoche will carry out  a Liberation for Dead Beings prayer ceremony (Nedren).

This is a ceremony to help sentient beings who have died and are wandering in the bardo. Through symbols, seed syllables and traditional rituals, the dead being’s consciousness is drawn in and transferred to Buddha Amitabha’s Pure Land. This ceremony is not only effective for beings who have recently died but can even be done many years after one’s passing.

You may make an offering on behalf of loved ones or pets, or any other beings, no matter how long ago they have passed. All names must be submitted by Wednesday, January 10 at 5 PM Pacific Standard Time. Donations for the Liberation Prayers are tax-deductible in the USA, and support Ayang Rinpoche’s Annual Phowa Course in Bodhgaya.

Liberation Prayers
Names for prayers: