New Year Greeting from Ayang Rinpoche

To all my students, disciples and friends,

Greetings and best wishes for the Western New Year.  I send you my strongest aspirations and prayers for the success of your Dharma practice and your activities with pure motivation for the wellbeing of others. In particular, I pray that all of our projects and activities to benefit the Buddhadharma and to bring help to all beings in this world will reach successful completion.

Even though conditions in the world are becoming more difficult, by our positive activities we can make the effects of Kali Yuga times lighter. We must make our determination to succeed in our spiritual practice stronger and more stable. For Buddhist practitioners the essence of Buddhadharma is to recognize our Buddha Nature. If we can do this, it is like having one key that can open limitless doors of peace and harmony that will benefit worldly beings. We must emphasize this practice – it is so important.

Read the full letter here: New Year 2013 Greeting