Zambhala Puja in South India

Amitabha Temple Nepal Zambhala
Zambhala statue at Amitabha Foundation Retreat Center, Nepal
Tomorrow, November 10, is the last day of the annual Zambhala Puja at Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery in Bylakuppe. Zambhala is an emanation of Ratnasambhava, one of the five buddha families, whose enlightened activity is increasing and whose essence is generosity. Some people practice Zambhala to achieve spiritual prosperity, although this deity is also associated with wealth and prosperity in the material world. Zambhala practice is said to bring wealth, prosperity, success, good fortune and luck, long life and wisdom. He is depicted holding a mongoose spouting jewels.
Ayang Rinpoche has said that anyone sponsoring Dharma activities gains the same merit as the practitioners. The full cost of the puja for 280 monks, nuns, khenpos and lamas is $21,650. You will make a connection with Zambhala even if your donation is sent after the puja is complete. Here are some suggestions, but your donation of any amount will be appreciated and be like a drop of water mixed with an ocean of merit.

Butterlamps $21
Offerings for monks and nuns $50
Tsok $108
Tea and meals for participants $200

You may also send a check made out to Amitabha Foundation to:
11 South Goodman Street
Rochester, New York 14607

For those who want to chant the Zambhala (Dzambhala) mantra:  OM DZAMBHALA DJARDIN DJAYA SOHA.

May all beings benefit!