Wealth Deity Puja 2020

Wealth Deity, Dzambhala


Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery in India will hold its annual Dzambhala, or Wealth Deity Puja December 22-26, 2020.

The puja is also referred to as Yangdrup, meaning a ritual to generate “Yang”, the powerful magnetizing properties associated with fortune and luck. This in turn creates all opportunities to ensure accomplishment in spiritual practice, as well as an abundance of wealth, prosperity, success, good fortune, luck, long life and wisdom in a person’s personal, business and family life.

Lamas, tulkus and monks at the monastery will also do Guru Rinpoche offering prayers during the Yangdrup.

People who wish to dedicate prayers for their loved ones, including pets, living or dead, and would like to sponsor or donate towards tormas, butter lamps, tsog,  tea, meals, offerings for monks and nuns, or all other puja expenses, may send in their contributions through Amitabha Foundation in their own country or directly to the monastery’s account (see the information below). For a US-tax-deductible donation you may also send a check in USD to Amitabha Foundation USA, P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, California 95001, or make an online offering with the button below. Dedications must be received by December 23 at 5 PM (Pacific Standard) to be sent to the monastery in time. Donations are welcome any time.

Puja sponsor
Names for prayers:

Phagmo Drupa Parinirvana Anniversary Puja

Concluding Ceremony Annual Dechö, November 2020

     Phagmo Drupa Dorje Gyalpo


Lhabab Düchen Birthday Celebration – HH Chungsang Rinpoche

His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chokyi Nangwa Chungsang Rinpoche


Virtual LIVE Program of Lhabab Düchen & 79th Birthday Celebration of H.H. the Drikung Kyabgon Chokyi Nangwa
Praise of the Twelve Deeds of the Buddha and Guru Yoga Tsok Offering
November 7
7:00 to 8:30 pm (Indian Time)* [Convert to your local time]
5:30 am November 7 – US West Coast
8:30 am November 7 – US East Coast
The event will be graciously led by :
H.E. Choje Ayang Rinpoche, H.E. Garchen Rinpoche, H. E. Choje Togdan Rinpoche, H.E. Nupa Rinpoche, H.E. Ontrul Rinpoche, Khenchen Most Ven. Konchog Gyaltsen, and Most Ven. Khenchen Nyima Gyaltsen. Tulkus, Khenpos, Dorzins, Drubpons, Lobpons and general sangha members will also participate.
We welcome you to make an auspicious connection with this special Lhabab Düchen program, on a Great Wheel Day when merit is multiplied 10,000,000 times, by making an offering to H.E. Chöje Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery.

Vajrakilaya (Dorje Phurba) Puja October 11-15 in Bylakuppe

Vajrakilaya (Dorje Phurba) Drupchen October 11-15, 2020

Dedications due by 5 PM (Pacific) Tuesday, October 13

At Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery in South India they will hold their annual Vajrakilaya Drupchen (Great Accomplishment puja), October 11-15, 2020. Vajrakilaya (Dorje Phurba) is one of the most effective yidam practices, which are the root of spiritual accomplishment. It is known in the Tibetan Buddhist world as the most powerful means of destroying the forces counteracting compassion and of purifying obscurations and negativity.  The phurba, or wisdom dagger, is a symbol of our unchangeable true nature of mind. Gen Tsewang Tharchin, Ayang Rinpoche’s brother and abbot of the monastery, says, “Vajrakilaya is the best practice to clear away any kind of obstacles.”

All the monastery’s lamas, monks, nuns and associated lay people in the community will do elaborate offering prayers and chant the Vajrakilaya mantra for five full days. There will be no official count of the mantras, but everyone is encouraged to participate by chanting the mantra at home.


The total cost of the Drubchen is approximately $22,000. People who wish to dedicate prayers for their loved ones living or dead and would like to sponsor or donate towards meals, butter lamp, Tsog,  tea, alter, offerings for monks and nuns, management and travel expenses, may send in their contributions through Amitabha Foundation in their own country or directly to the monastery’s account (see the information below). For a US-tax-deductible donation you may also send a check in USD to Amitabha Foundation USA, P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, California 95001, or use the PayPal button below. Dedications must be received by October 13 at 5 PM Pacific Time to be sent to the monastery in time. Offerings may be made at any time.

Puja sponsor
Names for prayers: