Chokhor Duchen – Great Wheel Day

Ayang Rinpoche Blesses Deer in Sarnath, Where the Buddha First Turned the Wheel of Dharma


Sunday, August 4th, is Chökhor Düchen, one of the four “Great Wheel” days in Buddhism. Known as the Celebration of Turning the Wheel of Dharma, it marks the first time the Buddha began to teach the path to enlightenment.


This is an especially auspicious day to practice and to make offerings to generate wisdom and merit. It is said that the effects of positive deeds are multiplied ten million times.


Take this opportunity to support one of Ayang Rinpoche’s cultural and humanitarian projects. Make a US tax-deductible offering online or by sending a check to Amitabha Foundation, P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, CA 95001, or by donating to your local Amitabha Foundation organization.



Dharma Wheel and Deer Atop Amitabha Temple in Kathmandu, Nepal

Happy Saga Dawa Duchen

Mahabodhi Statue

Shakyamuni Statue at the Mahabodhi Stupa in Bodhgaya

Monday, June 17th, is Saga Dawa Duchen, the holiest day in the Buddhist calendar, marking the days when the Buddha attained enlightenment and passed into parinirvana.


This is an especially auspicious day to practice and to make offerings to generate wisdom and merit. It is said that the effects of positive deeds are multiplied one million times.  If you are interested in supporting any of Ayang Rinpoche’s cultural and humanitarian projects at this time, you may make a US tax-deductible offering online below or by sending a check to Amitabha Foundation, P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, CA 95001, or by donating to your local Amitabha Foundation organization.


Chenrezig Drubchen at Mundgod monastery

Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery, Dechen Chokhor Ling, in the Mundgod Tibetan Settlement, South India

4-Arm Chenrezig (Avalokiteshvara), Buddha of Compassion

The annual Drubchen will be held April 19 to May 4 at Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery, Dechen Chokhor Ling, in the Mundgod Tibetan Settlement, South India. The Drubchen this year focuses on Chenrezig, the Buddha of Compassion.  All the monks, nuns, khenpos and rinpoches will be accumulating 100 million Chenrezig mantras.

Ayang Rinpoche requests that all Buddhist practitioners and others associated with the Amitabha Foundation worldwide contribute to this practice and send their recitations of the Chenrezig mantra to accumulate the 100 million total. Mantras may be accumulated and the totals sent in daily between April 19 and May 2.  Send your mantra totals to the Amitabha Foundation in your own country, or to the Drikung Charitable Society.

Click here to listen to Ayang Rinpoche chant the Chenrezig mantra OM MANI PADME HUNG HRI.

The total expense of the Drubchen is approximately $25,000, including meals and tea for monks and lamas, as well as butterlamps, tsok and other ritual offerings. People who wish to sponsor or donate towards the Drubchen may send in their contributions directly to the monastery’s account (see the information below). US tax-deductible donations may also be made through the Amitabha Foundation US by clicking the button below or sending a check to Amitabha Foundation, P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, CA 95001.

Donations may be dedicated to any family members, friends, pets or loved ones, whether living or deceased, but names must be received by 5 PM (Pacific) May 2, 2019, although donations are welcome at any time.


Puja sponsor
Names for prayers:

To send donations directly to the Drikung Charitable Society:

Bank Name: Syndicate Bank
Bank Address: BM Road, Bylakuppe, Mysore District, Karnataka 571104, India
Branch: Bylakuppe
Account Name: Drikung Charitable Society
Account Number: 17082200011214
Beneficiary Address: Kagyudpa Monastic Institute, T.D.L. Bylakuppe 571104, Mysore District Karnataka, India

Wire Transfer Codes (updated November 2018):

IFSC CODE        SYNB0001708


Phowa Course in Indianapolis, September 5-15

Phowa Course with His Eminence Chöje Ayang Rinpoche

September 5-15, 2019

Indianapolis, Indiana


During the course Rinpoche will bestow:

Buddha Amitabha Empowerment
Buddha Amitabha Meditation Teaching and Practice
Nyingma and Drikung Phowa Oral Transmission, Teaching and Practice
Vajrasattva and Three Excellences Teachings
Milarepa and Amitabha Tsog Offering Ceremonies
Liberation Prayer for the deceased

Sponsored by An Lac Temple

An Lac Temple
5249 E. 30th Street – Indianapolis, IN 46218
Map and direction

2019 Indianapolis Phowa Course Information Sheet

2019 Indianapolis Phowa Course Daily Schedule

There is no fee to attend the Phowa Course, but registration is strongly recommended to reserve your space.

Register Today!

For further information and registration support, please contact:
Ven. Thien Huong (+1) 260-416-4199
Pema Zangmo (+1) 408-421-0330

For information in Vietnamese, please see here.

For more information, and opportunities to sponsor and make offerings, please visit An Lac Temple website.