Vajrayogini Drupchoe in Bylakuppe

Dorje Phagmo (Vajrayogini)

A 7-day Drupchö (extensive prayer ceremony) for Dorje Phagmo, or Vajravarahi, a form of Vajrayogini, is being held through August 30, 2018 at Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery in Bylakuppe. Vajrayogini is one of the main deities for self-visualization in Ngöndro (preliminary practices) and other generation stage meditations practiced by all the lineages in Vajrayana Buddhism.


The main guardian deity of the Drikung Kagyu lineage, Achi Chökyi Drolma, is an emanation of Vajrayogini.


Ayang Rinpoche said about Vajrayogini: “Among all the wisdom dakinis, Vajrayogini is the highest. She represents the True Nature of Mind, Prajnaparamita, the mother of all the Buddhas of the 3 times and 10 directions.” (Sydney, March 2018)


Those who would like to make an auspicious connection with the Vajrayogini Drupchö may send their donations to the Drikung Charitable Society account. For a tax deductible donation in the U.S., please send your check to the Amitabha Foundation, P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, California 95001, or donate online below. You may send names for dedication to until August 28 at 5 PM Pacific time. Donations are welcome at anytime.

Puja sponsor
Names for prayers:

Vajrayogini Long Mantra:



Vajrayogini Short Mantra:


Sikkim Phowa Course September 17-26

H.E. Chöje Ayang Rinpoche will give his Phowa Course in Sikkim this fall. Please see the poster for the daily schedule and contact information for additional details. Rinpoche will teach in Tibetan, with Sikkimese or Nepali translation.

Protector Achi Chokyi Drolma Offering Puja


Achi Chökyi Drölma (line drawing by Elea M.)

The annual 100,000 Tsog Offering Puja for the Protector Deity Achi Chökyi Drölma at Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery in Bylakuppe began on May 8 and will last for one week.

Those who would like to make an auspicious connection with the Protector Deity Achi and the Tsok Offering Puja may send their donations to the Drikung Charitable Society account. For a tax deductible donation in the U.S., please send your check to the Amitabha Foundation, P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, California 95001, or donate online below. You may send names for dedication to until May 12 at 5 PM Pacific time. Donations are welcome at anytime.

Puja sponsor
Names for prayers:

Here is an edited excerpt of a short biography of Achi Chokyi Drolma, given by Ayang Rinpoche in Sydney, Australia in 2004:

Achi Chokyi Drolma is an emanation of Vajra Yogini and Tara. She was born in the central area of Tibet. Beginning at a young age she was very special. She had great compassion and always practiced Tara, and she taught the Tara prayer for everyone in the village. When she grew older she prophesized that in the future there would be a new Buddhadharma lineage, and that she would be that lineage’s Dharma protector, whereupon she wrote protector offering prayers. Several generations later, her great grandson Jigten Sumgon started the Drikung lineage and she did become the main lineage Dharma protector.

She moved to Eastern Tibet, married and had 4 sons. Her most holy practice place is in East Tibet. At her death she attained the Great Rainbow Body. Her entire body become rainbows and light, leaving only her hair and nails. Like this, with no need to change this physical body, she went to the Pure Land.

On the relative level Achi was like the Dharma protector. But on the ultimate level, Achi had already attained the 10th Bhumi of a Bodhisattva. In this way, Achi was already enlightened. Achi’s activity in Tibet is very famous. All the Tibetan people, especially the older generation people, know very well about her great activity, how it is so helpful because it is very fast. In Tibet, some great masters say that Achi is exactly the same as the Buddha, and if we pray to Achi, then by our Achi practice we will achieve enlightenment, or we will attain the Pure Land at our death moment.

100 Million Amitabha Mantras

The 100 Million Mantra Amitabha Drupchen ran from March 31 to April 15 at Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery, Dechen Choekhor Ling, in Mundgod, South India.  The Tibetan Settlement in Mundgod is an overnight bus ride from Rinpoche’s main monastery in Bylakuppe. Thank you to everyone who participated.
The Amitabha Drupchen will last until  the total count of 100 million Buddha Amitabha mantra is accumulated. The Vajra Master for the Drupchen is Drikung Khenpo Konchog Tashi (pictured above). All the rinpoches, khenpos, monks, nuns and lay people in the settlement will be chanting Buddha Amitabha mantras to accumulate the 100 million total during the Drupchen. Ayang Rinpoche’s brother, Gen Tsewang Tharchin, will oversee the Thungdrub (accomplishment of the 100 million).
Ayang Rinpoche requests that all Buddhist practitioners and others associated with the Amitabha Foundation worldwide contribute to this practice and send their recitations of the Buddha Amitabha Mantra to accumulate the 100 million total. Mantras may be accumulated and the totals sent in daily beginning April 1 for approximately 10 days. Send your mantra totals directly to Please do not send your mantra totals to Amitabha Foundation USA.
The Buddha Amitabha mantra is OM AMI DEWA HRI.
People who would like to make an offering towards meals, butter lamps, tsog, tea, tormas, offerings for monks and nuns, travel expenses or other puja-related expenses, may send in their contributions directly to the monastery’s account (see the information below).  For a US-tax-deductible donation you may also send a check in USD to Amitabha Foundation USA, P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, California 95001, or use the link below. You may dedicate the merit of your offering to your loved ones.

Amitabha Drupchen sponsor
 Names for prayers: