Prayers and Donations for Nepal Earthquake Relief and Temple Repair

Ayang Rinpoche advises all our sangha members to chant as many Buddha Amitabha mantras and the Seven Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche as possible for the people affected by the earthquake in Nepal.

Rinpoche has arranged that donations can be made for humanitarian earthquake relief as well as for repair of the Amitabha Foundation Retreat Center temple. Please scroll to the bottom of this page to find links.


Damage inside the Amitabha Foundation Retreat Center, Nepalmmexport1430140887207








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To donate for humanitarian disaster relief, you may send your donations directly to the Amitabha Foundation Nepal account (see below; indicate “humanitarian relief”) or click here to make a US tax-deductible donation by credit card or PayPal, or send your check in USD to Amitabha Foundation, P. O. Box 2572, Aptos, California 95001. Please indicate on your check “Nepal humanitarian relief”.


To make a donation to help repair the Amitabha Foundation Retreat Center temple, you may send your donations directly to the Amitabha Foundation Nepal account (indicate “temple repairs”) or click here to make a US tax-deductible donation by credit card or PayPal, or send your check in USD to Amitabha Foundation, P. O. Box 2572, Aptos, California 95001. Please indicate on your check “Nepal temple repair”.

For direct wire transfer to Amitabha Foundation Nepal:

Account Number 01104098701
Account Name Amitabha Foundation
Bank Name Standard Chartered Bank, Kathmandu, Nepal
Bank Address Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Ltd, Naya Baneswor, Kathmandu, NepalGPO Box : 3990, Nepal

Earthquake damages Amitabha Retreat Center in Nepal

There was a magnitude 7.8 earthquake in Nepal today, which was centered about 50 miles northeast of Kathmandu. The earthquake caused damage to the Amitabha Retreat Center (Opak Kyilkhor Chöling). True Lhamo wrote today:

The monks were too afraid to go inside the temple. They are all sleeping outside in the open air as there were around 18 frequent tremors that lasted more than an hour.

We will continue to post more information and photos as we learn more.






Tenshug (Long Life) Ceremony for Ayang Rinpoche

Ayang Rinpoche in Lumbini 2004

Ayang Rinpoche in Lumbini 2004

Tenshug (Long Life) Ceremony for H. E. Chöje Ayang Rinpoche

At Thupten Shedrub Jangchub Ling Monastery in Bylakuppe, April 30 to May 3 2015


A Tenshug is a special ritual offered to high lamas to create the necessary merits and conditions for them to extend their lives. When a Master is manifesting illness or uncertainty in living, students should arrange a tenshug offering done in all its completeness. When the Master lives long, the Buddha Dharma will grow and benefit beings. The Buddha Dharma’s growth is dependent on Masters.

H.E Choeje Ayang Rinpoche is the Founder and Director of all Amitabha Foundation organizations around the world, the Drikung Charitable Society, Thupten Shedrub Jangchub Ling Monastery in Bylakuppe, Dechen Choeku Ling Monastery in Mundgod, Serlung Monastery in Kollegal, Amitabha Meditation Center in Kalimpong and Bodhgaya in India and the Amitabha Foundation Retreat Center in Nepal. Following the advice and instruction of HH the XVI th Gyalwang Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje, Ayang Rinpoche travelled abroad in the early seventies to teach and is one of the foremost Tibetan Buddhist masters who introduced Buddha Dharma to the West.  He is also the first Drikung Master instrumental in introducing the Drikung Lineage to the West.

Many high lamas had recommended a Tenshug (long life offering) for H.E Choje Ayang Rinpoche last year in 2014, when it was the obstacle year for Rinpoche according to Tibetan calendar, the horse year in which Rinpoche was born. At that time we did extensive White Tara and Amitayus tsok offering prayers. Following the advice of the masters, Rinpoche has now accepted the Tenshug offering. H.E Choeje Togden Rinpoche, the spiritual Dharma Master and leader of Drikung Kagyu Lineage in Ladakh will be the Vajra Master of the ceremony and offer the Tenshug to Ayang Rinpoche.

The Tenshug (long Life offering) will commence with an elaborate Tsedrup (long life puja/ritual prayer) dedicated to the long life of H.E Ayang Rinpoche that will last for 4 consecutive days from April 30 to  May 3’2015. The extensive prayers, with chanting lasting from morning until night, will be conducted at the Thupten Shedrub Janchubling Monastery of Ayang Rinpoche in Bylakuppe, by Tulkus, Khenpos and monks, including others attending the ceremony from outside.  It will culminate in a grand long life Tenshug offering to HE Ayang Rinpoche on the auspicious full moon day of 3 May 2015, the day of Buddha Amitabha, with meditation, recitation of Sutras and taking Eight Mahayana Precepts. It is considered an auspicious day in the Tibetan Calendar with positive deeds performed at this time being especially potent for Buddha Dharma in general and for the flourishing of the enlightened activities of Rinpoche.

For those students who wish to attend the ceremony, kindly confirm by sending an email to and a copy to Alternately, you may call the monastery at +91 8223 254220.  For those who are not able to attend this special occasion, we suggest you dedicate your practice and prayers for Rinpoche’s long life.

Kindly send any donations towards the Tenshug expenses to the bank details mentioned below, or for those desiring to make small donations by PayPal or credit card, or to receive a US tax-deduction for their donation, please send your check made out to Amitabha Foundation and mail it to Post Office Box 2572, Aptos, California 95001, or click below to donate online.


Beneficiary Name: Drikung Charitable Society, P.O Bylakuppe-571104, Mysore District, Karnataka State, India.

Beneficiary Account No:17082200011214

Bank Name and address:  Syndicate Bank, B M Road, P.O.Bylakuppe- 571104, Mysore District, Karnataka State, India

IFS Code: SYNB0001708

Swift Code: SYNBINBB118

Amitabha Drupchen April 4-18, 2015

Amitabha Pure Land

Every year at Ayang Rinpoche’s Dechen Choeku Ling Monastery in Mundgod, South India, they perform a Drupchen (Great Accomplishment ceremony), focusing on the Dharmakaya Amitabha, Sambhogakaya Avaloketeshvara or Nirmanakaya Guru Padmasambhava, alternating each year. This year they will do Amitabha puja.

Rinpoche welcomes everyone to participate by reciting the Amitabha mantra while visualizing the Amitabha Pure Land.  Send your accumulations made between April 4-17 daily to NY@amitabhafoundation.



Support the Drupchen with a contribution toward butterlamps, tsok, meals and tea for the monks, nuns, khenpos and tulkus, or for a money offering to monks and other participants. You may include the names of loved ones you would like added to the prayer list. 

Amitabha Drupchen sponsor
Names for prayers: