Bodhgaya Phowa Course 2015 Daily Schedule



Download the Full Schedule:  2015 DAILY SCHEDULE OF PHOWA COURSE

Jan 8/2015 Thur

9.00 am Short Introductory teaching on Phowa *

2.00 pm Buddha Amitabha Empowerment *

Jan 9/2015 Fri

7.00 am Full Day-Detailed Phowa Teaching

Jan 10/2015 Sat

7.00 am Nyingma Phowa Oral Transmission Blessing *

1.00 pm Nyingma Phowa Practice

4.30 pm Vajrasattva Teaching

Jan 11/2015 Sun

7.00 am Nyingma Phowa Practice

1.00 pm Drikung Phowa Teaching

4.30 pm Pureland Long Aspiration Prayer under the Bodhi Tree and Circumambulation *+

Jan 12/2015 Mon

7.00 am Drikung Phowa Oral Transmission Blessing with Practice

1.00 pm Three Excellences Teaching *

4.30 pm Pureland Long Aspiration Prayer under the Bodhi Tree and Circumambulation *+

Jan 13/2015 Tue

7.00 am Buddha Amitabha Meditation Teaching *

1.00 pm Drikung Phowa Practice

4.30 pm Pureland Long Aspiration Prayer under the Bodhi Tree and Circumambulation *+

Jan 14/2015 Wed

7.00 am Drikung Phowa Practice

1.00 pm Jetsun Milarepa Guru Yoga Tsog Offering Prayer *

4.30 pm Pureland Long Aspiration Prayer under the Bodhi Tree and Circumambulation *+

Jan 15/2015 Thur

7.00 am Short Drikung Phowa Practice and Short Amitabha Sadhana Practice

1.00 pm Teaching on doing phowa for others at the moment of death

4.30 pm Pureland Long Aspiration Prayer under the Bodhi Tree and Circumambulation *+

Jan 16/2015 Fri

7.00 am Teaching on doing phowa for oneself at the moment of death and instruction on how to practice Phowa after the course

1.00 pm Short Nyingma Phowa Practice

4.30 pm Pureland Long Aspiration Prayer under the Bodhi Tree and Circumambulation *+

Jan 17/2015 Sat

8.00 am Buddha Amitabha Tsog Offering Prayer *+


*Indicates- Open to Public

+ Rinpoche prefers all students to go to the Bodhi Tree and circumambulate every evening. He also prefers students to stay until the end of Buddha Amitabha Tsog, which ends about 10:30 pm.

AFTER THE COURSE: Rinpoche recommends all students practice Phowa daily for two weeks after the course, whether or not they have received a Phowa sign during the course. Daily Phowa practice sessions are offered every morning at the Phowa site for two weeks following the course. They are several hours long, and end before lunch.


Visit to Tibet Summer 2014

Ayang Rinpoche was accompanied by some of his family members, students and monks from Bylakuppe on a visit to Tibet during July and August 2014. He and his entourage made long life offerings at the enthronement of His Holiness Yangsi Penor Rinpoche at Palyul monastery. He also presided over the inauguration of his own new monastery in Rima, his birthplace area near Jyekundo (Yushu).

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Ayang Gompa Inauguration

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Ayang Gompa Inauguration


Ayang Gompa Inauguration

Ayang Gompa Tibet

Ayang Gompa Inauguration

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Ayang Gompa Inauguration

New Teaching Schedule for Australia


Ayang Rinpoche Switzerland 2014

Please see the revised schedule for Rinpoche’s upcoming teachings in Australia, or download the full description here: Sydney Teachings 2014


Australia: Phowa, 10-Levels Buddha Amitabha, Achi Chökyi Drolma

Teachings will be given in English and translated into Vietnamese. For full brochure and contact information: Sydney Teachings 2014

Fri Nov 28 Rinpoche arrives in Sydney.
Sun Nov 30    2pm Public Talk: Tibetan Buddhist Teachings on Death and Dying.Vietnamese Community Cultural Centre6/8 Bibbys Place, Bonnyrigg NSW 2177. Free.
Dec 1 – 9     8am-7pm   daily Phowa Course. St Joseph’s Retreat Centre30 Tyson Rd., Bringelly. NSW 2556 Residential, meals provided, airport pickup available. Registration essential and is at
TBD Fund-raising Dinner, Entertainment and Auction with Sydney Vietnamese Community.Liberty PlazaLevel 2, 256-278 Chapel Rd, Bankstown. Tickets $50 per person.
Thurs Dec 13      10am-6pm Achi Chokyi Drolma empowerment, teaching and practice.Amitabha Foundation79 Edgeworth David Ave.,Waitara.
Dec 15 – 19   10am-6pm Amitabha 10-Levels empowerment, teaching and practice.Amitabha Foundation79 Edgeworth David Ave., Waitara.