Bodhgaya Phowa Course Begins January 14

Rinpoche and sangha Chanting Amitabha Pureland Aspiration Prayer While Circumambulating Mahabodhi Stupa

Ayang Rinpoche’s annual Phowa Course is due to start January 14 and will continue through January 23, 2012. See the complete daily schedule.

Thinley Norbu Rinpoche passes into parinirvana

His Holiness Kyabje Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche, eldest son of former head of the Nyingma lineage His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche, passed into parinirvana December 26, 2011.

Ayang Rinpoche has sent an open condolence letter to Thinley Norbu Rinpoche’s family and sangha, which is available here.

Ayang Rinpoche requests that his students practice Vajrasattva, according to the wishes of Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche, until January 16, 2012, in order to receive Dungse Rinpoche’s blessings at this time.

Drikung Charitable Society Report

Read the 2010-2011 Report of the Drikung Charitable Society, founded by Ayang Rinpoche in Bylakuppe, South India, and see photos and updates for the:

  • Child Sponsorship program that supports the education of hundreds of poor Tibetan refugee children and elders,
  • New monastery temple under construction in Bylakuppe,
  • Amitabha Meditation Center under construction in Bodhgaya,
  • Drubchen held at the Mundgod monastery,
  • Planned Dairy Farm project to improve nutrition for the Bylakuppe monks.

Amitabha Foundation headquarters

Amitabha Foundation Rochester NY

Amitabha Foundation Headquarters and Dharma Center

Visit our Amitabha Foundation headquarters and Rochester Dharma Center. For a practice schedule and more information, see our local practice group page.

Amitabha Foundation
11 South Goodman Street
Rochester, New York 14607
585-461-1986 / 585-261-7094