Rochester Amitabha Foundation

Amitabha Foundation Rochester NY

Amitabha Foundation Headquarters and Dharma Center

Please scroll down to see our calendar.


About Us:  Our mission, as part of the Amitabha Foundation, is to preserve and promote the unique beauty of Tibetan culture. Using the analogy of the wings of a bird, we rely on the two “wings” of wisdom and compassionate activity. For wisdom, we provide an environment for disseminating and practicing the authentic teachings of Tibetan Buddhism. For compassionate activity, we support humanitarian projects worldwide, under the guidance of the Founder and Chairman, His Eminence Chöje Ayang Rinpoche. The Amitabha Foundation is a registered 501[c][3] charitable organization (Federal Entity Identification Number 95-4111288).

Our Teacher and Practices:  Our local group concentrates on practices taught by His Eminence Chöje Ayang Rinpoche. These include shamata (calming the mind), Phowa (transference of consciousness at the time of death), Buddha Vajrasattva, Buddha Amitabha, the Dharma protector Achi Chokyi Drolma, and Guru Dragpo (wrathful form of Guru Rinpoche) meditations. Find out more about Ayang Rinpoche here and about his major teachings here.

Our Local Activities:  We hold meditation practices on a weekly basis and according to the traditional Tibetan lunar calendar, and also offer instruction in beginning meditation. We sponsor visits and teachings from Ayang Rinpoche, and occasionally from other Tibetan Buddhist lamas, khenpos and teachers.

Group Meditation Practice: The Rochester Amitabha Foundation group meets on Sunday mornings 10-11 AM for Vajrasattva meditation, as taught by H.E. Choeje Ayang Rinpoche.  These practices are guided visualizations, following an audio recording of Ayang Rinpoche.

We hold group practices of the Drikung Phowa (Full Moon day) and Nyingma Phowa (New Moon day) each month. Phowa practice is open only to those who have taken Ayang Rinpoche’s Phowa Course, although anyone is welcome to sit with the group at these times.

Practice Venue: Rochester Dharma Center, 11 South Goodman Street, Rochester, New York 14607

Current Practice Schedule:

Sundays, 10-11 AM Vajrasattva Meditation
15th Lunar Day Drikung Phowa Practice
30th Lunar Day Nyingma Phowa Practice


Contact Us:
Amitabha Foundation
11 South Goodman Street
Rochester, NY 14607
585-461-1986 (voice mail) / 585-451-7039

Guru Rinpoche Drupchen in Bylakuppe Completed

Guru Rinpoche 8 Manifestations


After the success of the Guru Rinpoche Drubchen in Mundgod in April, we are happy to announce that a new 100 million Guru Drubchen started August 3, 2011, organized by Drikung Charitable Society at Thupten Shedrup Jangchub Choeling, Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery in the Tibetan settlement of Bylakuppe in South India. This Drubchen is being led by the great retreat master, Lama Yeshe of the Drikung lineage.  Ayang Rinpoche requests all the Buddhist practitioners associated with Amitabha Foundation world-wide to contribute to this practice and send to us ( their recitations of the Guru Rinpoche mantra* made after August 3, 2011 through the end of the Drubchen (approximately August 15th) to help accumulate the 100 million total.  Here is an explanation of the meaning of the mantra.  As with the April Drupchen, we dedicate our prayers to world peace and that all beings may live in harmony, and with the aspiration that the environment of our mother the earth may be protected from destruction.


Click here to help support the 2011 Guru Rinpoche Drubchen prayers.

New Photos of Amitabha Temple in Nepal

More information about the temple and retreat cottages

Rochester registration open

Vajrasattva 5 Families

Register now for the Vajrasattva Outer, Inner, Secret and Innermost Secret empowerment, teachings and practice with Ayang Rinpoche, September 22-25, 2011 in Rochester, NY.  These teachings will also be offered in Olympia, WA. Everyone is welcome to attend the Smoke Offering and Tsok Offering Ceremonies at the conclusion of these retreats. Here is Rinpoche’s complete Fall 2011 travel and teaching schedule.