New Teaching Schedule for Australia


Ayang Rinpoche Switzerland 2014

Please see the revised schedule for Rinpoche’s upcoming teachings in Australia, or download the full description here: Sydney Teachings 2014


Australia: Phowa, 10-Levels Buddha Amitabha, Achi Chökyi Drolma

Teachings will be given in English and translated into Vietnamese. For full brochure and contact information: Sydney Teachings 2014

Fri Nov 28 Rinpoche arrives in Sydney.
Sun Nov 30    2pm Public Talk: Tibetan Buddhist Teachings on Death and Dying.Vietnamese Community Cultural Centre6/8 Bibbys Place, Bonnyrigg NSW 2177. Free.
Dec 1 – 9     8am-7pm   daily Phowa Course. St Joseph’s Retreat Centre30 Tyson Rd., Bringelly. NSW 2556 Residential, meals provided, airport pickup available. Registration essential and is at
TBD Fund-raising Dinner, Entertainment and Auction with Sydney Vietnamese Community.Liberty PlazaLevel 2, 256-278 Chapel Rd, Bankstown. Tickets $50 per person.
Thurs Dec 13      10am-6pm Achi Chokyi Drolma empowerment, teaching and practice.Amitabha Foundation79 Edgeworth David Ave.,Waitara.
Dec 15 – 19   10am-6pm Amitabha 10-Levels empowerment, teaching and practice.Amitabha Foundation79 Edgeworth David Ave., Waitara.

Rinpoche’s 2014 European Teaching Tour

Sept 1 Delhi to Vienna, Austria
Sept 2-4 *Guru Drakpo Empowerment and Teachings
Sept 5-14 *Phowa course near Graz, Austria (Details)
Sept 16 Graz, Austria to Schmiedeberg, Germany
Sept 17-26 Phowa course in Schmiedeberg
Sept 29 Schmiedeberg to Berlin
Oct 1 – 5 Teaching in Berlin
Oct 7 Berlin to Paris
Oct 9– 14 Teachings in Paris (Schedule and Registration form)
Oct 16 Paris to  Rancon, France
Oct 18-27 Phowa course in Rancon (Schedule and Information)
Oct  29 Rancon  to Achen
Oct 31 – Nov 4 10 Levels Buddha Amitabha in Aachen (Information)
Nov 6 Aachen-Paris
Nov 14 Paris to Delhi

For Contacts during his European tour: 2014 Europe contacts

Progress on Bylakuppe Temple

These photos show current progress on the new temple at Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery in Bylakuppe. If you would like to make a donation to help support the monks, pujas or construction at the monastery, please click here.

Bylakuppe 2014-1 Bylakuppe 2014-2 Bylakuppe 2014-5 Bylakuppe 2014-3 Bylakuppe 2014-4