100 Million Amitabha Mantras

The 100 Million Mantra Amitabha Drupchen ran from March 31 to April 15 at Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery, Dechen Choekhor Ling, in Mundgod, South India.  The Tibetan Settlement in Mundgod is an overnight bus ride from Rinpoche’s main monastery in Bylakuppe. Thank you to everyone who participated.
The Amitabha Drupchen will last until  the total count of 100 million Buddha Amitabha mantra is accumulated. The Vajra Master for the Drupchen is Drikung Khenpo Konchog Tashi (pictured above). All the rinpoches, khenpos, monks, nuns and lay people in the settlement will be chanting Buddha Amitabha mantras to accumulate the 100 million total during the Drupchen. Ayang Rinpoche’s brother, Gen Tsewang Tharchin, will oversee the Thungdrub (accomplishment of the 100 million).
Ayang Rinpoche requests that all Buddhist practitioners and others associated with the Amitabha Foundation worldwide contribute to this practice and send their recitations of the Buddha Amitabha Mantra to accumulate the 100 million total. Mantras may be accumulated and the totals sent in daily beginning April 1 for approximately 10 days. Send your mantra totals directly to drikungcharitablesociety@yahoo.com. Please do not send your mantra totals to Amitabha Foundation USA.
The Buddha Amitabha mantra is OM AMI DEWA HRI.
People who would like to make an offering towards meals, butter lamps, tsog, tea, tormas, offerings for monks and nuns, travel expenses or other puja-related expenses, may send in their contributions directly to the monastery’s account (see the information below).  For a US-tax-deductible donation you may also send a check in USD to Amitabha Foundation USA, P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, California 95001, or use the link below. You may dedicate the merit of your offering to your loved ones.

Amitabha Drupchen sponsor
 Names for prayers:

Hawaii Phowa Course – New Dates October 11-21

Photo by Richard Josephson

We are pleased to announce that H.E. Chöje Ayang Rinpoche will be giving his Phowa Course in Hawaii in 2018. We are still early in the planning stage and have not identified a venue, but please save these dates:

October 11 – Public Talk

October 12-21 – Phowa Course

Information will be posted here as arrangements are finalized. Email the Amitabha Foundation USA if you are interested in receiving updates.

Teachings in Sydney, Australia March 30-April 3, 2018

Download the Daily Schedule

To down load the full PDF with additional information, click here.

Vajrasattva and Achi in Toronto

Vajrasattva Mandala Mural, Amitabha Temple, Nepal

Ayang Rinpoche will bestow the Vajrasattva Empowerment and give the precious Outer, Inner, Secret and Innermost Secret Vajrasattva Teachings in Toronto July 17-21, 2018. Pre-requisites: You must have taken refuge ordination before and you should be able to recite Vajrasattva 100 syllable long mantra.

Rinpoche will also give the Achi Chokyi Drolma Empowerment and Teachings, July 22-23, 2018. The teaching event location will be announced shortly.

Register Online or for more information email amitabhafoundation.ca@gmail.com