New Year’s Greeting from Rinpoche

Losar Tashi Delek

Tashi Delek!

Wishing you success, good health and long life in the new year.

–H.E. Chöje Ayang Rinpoche

Schedule Change: Phowa and Introducing True Nature of Mind Teachings in Bodhgaya

Shakyamuni statue at the Mahabodhi Stupa, Bodhgaya

We are sorry for the inconvenience to those who have already traveled to Bodhgaya to take Ayang Rinpoche’s 10-Levels Amitabha Teachings, but Rinpoche has changed his schedule for Bodhgaya this year. As there are many people from Nepal who wanted to practice Phowa for their loved ones who were lost during the April 2015 earthquake, Rinpoche could not disappoint them and had to change the schedule. He will now be giving his Phowa Course as well as Introducing True Nature of Mind Teachings.

December 24, 2015 – January 1, 2016 XXII Annual Phowa Course in Bodhgaya, the holy place of Shakyamuni Buddha’s enlightenment.

January 2-4, 2016 – Interviews for those wanting to take his Introducing True Nature of Mind teachings. Everyone is required to have an interview before being allowed to attend these teachings.

January 5, 2016 – Introducing True Nature of Mind teachings

January 6, 2016 – Milarepa Tsog Offering Prayer

Download the Flyer and Phowa Course Daily Schedule

This is what Rinpoche wrote regarding taking the Introducing True Nature of Mind course in Bodhgaya. 

“For those people who have not received Introducing True Nature of Mind Teaching from me before, a private interview will be scheduled from 29 December 2015 to 4 January 2016. If you have not received True Nature of Mind from me before, you are not allowed to receive the teaching without an interview. For those people who have received Introducing True Nature of Mind from me before, you can join the teaching if you want, but there is no need for an interview before the teaching.

People who need an Introducing True Nature of Mind interview must register for a particular day and time. When you reach Bodhgaya please register at the Amitabha Temple new construction site to the right of the Kalachakra ground. Please call Truelha at 09939994993 for more information.

When you register for your interview, you will receive a receipt. You must bring your receipt to your Introducing True Nature of Mind interview, and also to the teaching. Without that receipt you cannot attend the teaching.”

Please make your hotel and travel arrangements as soon as possible, as Bodhgaya is always full of pilgrims in December and January.

Bodhgaya Logistics and Travel Information and Bodhgaya teachings site map

Rinpoche invites everyone, whether or not they can make a pilgrimage to Bodhgaya this year, to make an auspicious connection by sponsoring the teachings. Rinpoche gives the teachings in Bodhgaya every year free of charge, and your tax-deductible (in the US only) donation will help ensure that these teachings continue for years to come.

Phowa Sponsorship

Safe Childbirth in Rural Tibet – 2015 Clinic update

Prayer flags raised to welcome guests to Ayang Gompa, Eastern Tibet

Prayer flags raised to welcome guests to Ayang Gompa, Eastern Tibet

A small team of doctors and students visited the Ayang Gompa clinic in Rima, Eastern Tibet again in July 2015. We held review and training sessions for the two clinic doctors, the midwife, and 22 Community Health Educators. Dr. Zhao, who had also been part of the team in 2009, reviewed measuring blood pressure and monitoring fetal growth with ultrasound in pregnant women, and discussed best practices for prenatal and postnatal exams and for vaccinating infants and children.

Your donation today will help repair the clinic roof and keep salaries paid and medicines and clean birthing kits purchased for 2016. Please, can you help us now with a year-end, tax-deductible donation?

  • $1,008 will repair 1 section of roof or re-plaster and paint 2 rooms
  • $512 will pay the head doctor and clinic administrator’s salaries for 1 month
  • $252 will pay the midwife’s salary for 3 weeks
  • $108 will buy a month’s supply of medicines
  • $52 will buy 1 clean birthing kit, with prenatal vitamins
  • $25 will pay for gasoline for 1 ambulance trip to hospital

Tibet Clinic Sponsorship

Monthly Sponsorship

Ayang Gompa and Clinic across the Lake of Compassion, Eastern Tibet

Ayang Gompa (center) and Clinic (left) across the Lake of Compassion, Eastern Tibet, with new housing for nomads along the shores of the lake (right)


Midwife measures fetal size and position using clinic's ultrasound

Midwife measures fetal size and position using clinic’s ultrasound


Community Health Educators practice taking blood pressure measurements to monitor for preeclampsia in pregnancy

Community Health Educators practice taking blood pressure measurements to monitor for preeclampsia in pregnancy.


Dr. Ngagay checks newborn

Dr. Ngagay checks newborn


Midwife vaccinates newborn in the clinic

Midwife vaccinates a newborn in the clinic


Clean birthing kits have been a part of our program to reduce infection and promote safe home childbirth since 2005.

Clean birthing kits have been a part of our program to reduce infection and promote safe home childbirth since 2005. Kits contain prenatal vitamins, soap, towels, clean plastic sheet to lie on, clean blade and string to cut and tie the cord, hat, booties and baby blanket.


Dr. Ngawang Phuntso dispenses Tibetan and Western medicines from the clinic pharmacy.

Dr. Ngawang Phuntso dispenses Tibetan and Western medicines from the clinic pharmacy.


Monks as well as nomads receive treatment in the clinic.

Monks as well as nomads receive treatment in the clinic.


The clinic roof leaking has gotten progressively worse and now several rooms are completely unusable. Repairing the roof will cost $15,000, and is our highest priority this year.

The clinic roof leaking has gotten progressively worse and now several rooms are completely unusable. Repairing the roof will cost $15,000, and is our highest priority this year.

Tibet Clinic Sponsorship

Dzambhala (Wealth Deity) puja in Bylakuppe–Dates changed

Dzambhala at Amitabha Retreat Center in Nepal

Dzambhala statue at Amitabha Retreat Center in Nepal

The annual Dzambhala puja, also called Yangdrup, at Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery in Bylakuppe will be held this year from November 20-26. Yellow Dzambhala is an emanation of Ratnasambhava, one of the five buddha families, whose enlightened activity is increasing and whose essence is generosity. Some people practice Dzambhala to achieve spiritual prosperity, although this deity is also associated with wealth and prosperity in the material world. Dzambhala practice is said to bring wealth, prosperity, success, good fortune and luck, long life and wisdom. He is depicted holding a mongoose spouting jewels.

Ayang Rinpoche has said that anyone sponsoring Dharma activities gains the same merit as the practitioners. The full cost of the puja for 280 monks, nuns, khenpos and lamas is $21,650. The monastery will appreciate your donation of any amount (tax deductible for US donors). It will be like a drop of water mixed with an ocean of merit.

Names of loved ones for dedication prayers will be accepted until November 18, 2015.

Dzambhala puja sponsor
Names for prayers:

You may also send a check made out to Amitabha Foundation to P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, California 95001

For those who want to chant the Dzambhala mantra:  OM DZAMBHALA DJARDIN DJAYA SOHA.

May all beings benefit!