Annual Vajrakilaya Drupchod 2023

Vajrakilaya (Dorje Phurba) Drubchoe, October 20-24, 2023

Dedications for the Prayer List due by 5 PM (Pacific) Monday, October 23 (Offerings welcome anytime).

At Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery in South India they are holding their annual Vajrakilaya Drupchoe Puja, October 20-24, 2023. Vajrakilaya (Dorje Phurba) is one of the most effective yidam practices, which are the root of spiritual accomplishment. It is known in the Tibetan Buddhist world as the most powerful means of destroying the forces counteracting compassion and of purifying obscurations and negativity.  The phurba, or wisdom dagger, is a symbol of our unchangeable true nature of mind. “Vajrakilaya is the best practice to clear away any kind of obstacles.”

All the monastery’s lamas, monks, nuns and associated lay people in the community will do elaborate offering prayers and chant the Vajrakilaya mantra for five full days. There will be no official count of the mantras, but everyone is encouraged to participate by chanting the mantra at home.


The total cost of the Drubchoe is approximately $22,000. People who wish to dedicate prayers for their loved ones living or dead and would like to sponsor or donate towards meals, butter lamp, Tsog,  tea, altar, offerings for monks and nuns, management expenses, may send in their contributions through Amitabha Foundation in their own country or directly to the monastery’s account (see the information below). For a US-tax-deductible donation, you may also send a check in USD to Amitabha Foundation USA, P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, California 95001, or use the PayPal button below. [If sending a check, please email your dedication.] Dedications must be received by October 23 at 5 pm Pacific Time to be sent to the monastery in time. Offerings may be made at any time.

Puja sponsor
Names for prayers:



Photos will be posted on H.E. Ayang Rinpoche’s Facebook page.

Achi Chökyi Drölma Offering Prayers

Achi Shrine 2023 Achi Chökyi Drölma

The annual Achi Chokyi Drolma Offering Prayers are being held September 21-28 at Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery in Bylakuppe. Achi is the main Dharma Protector in the Drikung Kagyu lineage.

Rinpoche invites all sangha members to join by reciting Achi Choekyi Dolma mantras during this time:


You are also welcome to make offerings in your own name, for your business, or for a loved one, including pets, whether they are living or deceased. Send donations to the Drikung Charitable Society account. For a tax deductible donation in the U.S., please send your check to the Amitabha Foundation, P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, California 95001, or donate online below. Dedications submitted by September 26th at 5 pm Pacific time will be posted in the temple for the conclusion of the Offering Pujas.

Brief Biography of Achi Chökyi Drölma

Chöje Ayang Rinpoche, Sydney, Australia in 2004

Achi Chokyi Drolma is an emanation of Vajra Yogini and Tara. She was born in the central area of Tibet. Beginning at a young age she was very special. She had great compassion and always practiced Tara, and she taught the Tara prayer for everyone in the village. When she grew older she prophesied that in the future there would be a new Buddhadharma lineage, and that she would be that lineage’s Dharma protector, whereupon she wrote protector offering prayers. Several generations later, her great grandson Jigten Sumgon started the Drikung lineage and she did become the main lineage Dharma protector.

She moved to Eastern Tibet, married and had 4 sons. Her most holy practice place is in East Tibet. At her death she attained the Great Rainbow Body. Her entire body become rainbows and light, leaving only her hair and nails. Like this, with no need to change this physical body, she went to the Pure Land.

On the relative level, Achi was like the Dharma protector. But on the ultimate level, Achi had already attained the tenth Bhumi of a Bodhisattva. In this way, Achi was already enlightened. Achi’s activity in Tibet is very famous. All the Tibetan people, especially the older generation people, know very well about her great activity, how it is so helpful because it is very fast. In Tibet, some great masters say that Achi is exactly the same as the Buddha, and if we pray to Achi, then by our Achi practice we will achieve enlightenment, or we will attain the Pure Land at our death moment.


Annual Vajrayogini Drupchoe

Vajra Yogini and Mandala

The annual Vajrayogini (Dorje Phagmo) Drupchö (extensive prayer ceremony) concluded September 2, 2023 at Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery in Bylakuppe.


Ayang Rinpoche said about Vajrayogini: “Among all the wisdom dakinis, Vajrayogini is the highest. She represents the True Nature of Mind, Prajnaparamita, the mother of all the Buddhas of the three times and ten directions.” (Sydney, March 2018)


You may still send offerings to support the cost of the Vajrayogini Drupchö and make dedications in the name of a loved one. You are welcome to send donations to the Drikung Charitable Society account. For a tax deductible donation in the U.S., please send your check to the Amitabha Foundation, P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, California 95001, or donate online below. Dedications submitted by September 12th at 5 pm Pacific time will be posted in the temple for the conclusion of the Yarney Summer Retreat.

Puja sponsor
Names for prayers:

Summer Retreat at Thupten Shedrup Jangchupling Monastery

Yarney, or the annual summer retreat, has begun at Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery in Bylakuppe, India. This is a tradition that goes back to the time of Buddha. Its purpose was to allow monks to gather and shelter from the monsoon rains and to take time to reflect, pray, meditate, and listen to the dharma. During Buddha’s time, the summer retreat was three months long: by staying in a single location for the duration of the rainy season, the monks avoided the increased likelihood of walking on and harming many insects and other small beings that reproduce during the rainy season.


At Thubten Shedrup Jangchupling, Yarney starts on the full moon of the sixth month of the lunar calendar and is held for 45 days, concluding on the new moon of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, August 1 to September 14.


The first day of the Yarney begins with the Sojong vows. Sojong is a practice for purifying and repairing broken vows to replenish positive virtues. “So” means “to restore” and “Jong” means “to purify”; in other words, to clear away negative karma and harmful deeds. Apart from Sojong, monks also observe other special monastic vows and restrictions. Khenpos take turns giving short teachings on the importance of the three ground practices of the summer retreat.


To restore broken Pratimoksha vows, the ordained sangha members traditionally practice Sojong bi-monthly. Some lay Buddhists regularly observe this purification practice too. The “Yar-khelen” vows are taken with special vase used for purification called “chab-lug”. The wooden monastic bell called Gendi  (used only for Yarney and Sojong since the time of Buddha) is rung to call for lunch and morning prayers.


The monks take breakfast and lunch in the temple with the traditional monks’ begging bowl called Lhungdze. All the monks, excluding those with health issues, take a vow not to eat at night in accordance with the Vinaya tradition. Every evening, Aspiration prayers (monlam) are recited.

Every Saturdays, there are philosophy discussions and debate on Sundays.  Khenpos and Lopons hold question-answer sessions on particular subject, the monks choose.


It is during Yarney that the monks also sit for their half-yearly examination. Hence, apart from the fixed Yarney programs, they are quite busy with their debate, commentary and essay writing tests that will count in their final scores.


In the evening, there are prayers, followed by the traditional ceremonial rice made with butter and dry fruits. Selected monks give dharma talks on specific subjects and display their philosophical debate skills. During the debate, one group establishes a philosophical view while the other tries to defeat them with sharp logic and quick verbal attacks. Since there are strong emotions displayed, watching them leads to lots of laughter and fun for the rest of the monks.

On the morning of the last day of Yarney called Gaye, the monks conclude the summer retreat by wearing their best robes and circumambulating the Amitabha and Achi Temples. Then, for the next three days, the monks have a party at the specially designated summer retreat picnic spot that is adjacent to the monastery. They get busy in all sorts of games and entertainment, appropriate for their age groups.


Another benefit of the retreat is that it gives faithful patrons an opportunity to accumulate merit. It is considered very important for lay people to participate in these virtuous activities through actions such as making offerings for shrine expenses and sponsoring tea and special meals for the sangha.


Shrine offering Items : Flowers, Incense, Rice, Serkyem (Dharmapala offerings), Barley flour for Tormas, Butter lamps, etc  $ 500 for whole Yarney period.

Tea offering for monks: $ 36 for one day

Meals for monks: $ 420 all meals for one day (Breakfast $ 108, Lunch $ 228, Dinner $108)

Evening milk: $24; Evening coffee: $28

Sangha Offering:  No fixed amount.  Traditionally, Rinpoches, Khenpos, Lopons, chanting masters, ritual masters and disciplinarians are offered extra in addition to the offerings made to the regular monks.

You may dedicate your offering to loved ones, living or deceased. Please send by September 12th to be included on the prayer list.

Make US-tax-deductible donations through the Amitabha Foundation USA by check (payable to Amitabha Foundation, mailed to P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, CA 95076), or online. Donations may also be made directly to Drikung Charitable Society or through the Amitabha Foundation branch in your own country.