We Need to Raise $5,000 for Tibet in June

Our Global Giving Challenge to Raise $5,000 for Safe Childbirth in Tibet

We are using Global Giving, an international fundraising platform for nonprofit organizations, to raise money for our clinic and safe childbirth program in Tibet. We need your help to be listed as a permanent partner with Global Giving—we have to raise $5,000 from 40 donors before June 30, 2014. Click here to read about our project and to help! Your donation and support through your social media network benefits the Tibetan nomads in Ayang Rinpoche’s birthplace area immediately, and also gives us access to corporate sponsorship and grants, and a broader base of donors for our public health work. Make a donation in someone’s name and they will receive a card acknowledging your gift–a perfect Father’s Day gift, birthday or graduation present!

Vajrasattva Empowerment & Teachings in Taipei and Hong Kong

Vajrasattva 5 families

Vajrasattva 5 families

Taipei, Taiwan 

April 25 – May 10, 2014  

Download the Taipei Vajrasattva retreat schedule as a PDF. For more information click here.


Outer, Inner, Secret and Innermost Secret Vajrasattva Teachings, Empowerment and Practice Retreat

Achi protector Empowerment and teaching

Blessing ceremony

Phowa group practice


Hong Kong  

May 13-17, 2014

Sponsored by Peace of Mind Mercy Foundation.  Call 9726 8469 (via whatsapp).

Download the Vajrasattva Teaching daily schedule Hong Kong as a PDF. For more information click here.

Outer, Inner, Secret and Innermost Secret Vajrasattva Teachings, Empowerment and Practice Retreat


Volunteer teachers and health professionals needed in Bylakuppe

Puja in Bylakuppe

Ayang Rinpoche is looking for one or more volunteers to work at his monastery in Bylakuppe, South India. True Lhamo writes that they would like to find some retired teachers in mathematics, English, and computers who may be willing to teach the monks. Teaching other subjects, such as science and social studies, would be an added bonus.

The monastery also needs a nurse or doctor. The Two Camp Hospital first aid man retired, and they have not had anyone for many months. Ani Samten, who lives in the monastery guesthouse and is teaching English and hygiene to the monks, has been helping treat Class 4 monks for ringworm, but so much more is needed.  The monastery would save much money on medicine if the monks had better hygiene, and a nurse or doctor would know about the medications that are needed for other conditions.

It would be very helpful if volunteers could stay for a full year. The monastery can provide food and lodging.

Please send a resumé with your qualifications to True Lhamo at amitabhafoundation@yahoo.co.in. If you are interested, you may want to read Ani Samten’s account, which describes why she came to work at Rinpoche’s monastery 3 years ago, and why she is happy to stay on. She will be glad to communicate with anyone interested in volunteering. Please contact True Lhamo and she will put you in touch with Ani Samten.

Venerable Khenpo Tenzin to Teach in the US


Venerable Khenpo Tenzin

Please join us in welcoming Venerable Khenpo Tenzin from Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery in Bylakuppe, India, for upcoming teachings and a Long Life Guru Rinpoche empowerment in Washington, California and New York. Khenpo previously came to the US in 2011 and we have been looking forward to his return.

Teachings on the Aspiration Prayer to Be Reborn in Amitabha’s Pure Land 
Known for its profound blessing power, recitation of this aspiration prayer by Raga Asya (Karma Chagme) complements meditation on Buddha Amitabha within any tradition.  Raga Asya has said it has the power to dispel obstacles in this life and cause rebirth in Buddha Amitabha’s Pure Land of Great Bliss (Skt. Sukhavati, Tib. Dewachen).

Please join us in this rare opportunity to receive in-depth and detailed instruction from an eminent scholar and accomplished meditation master on the meaning and actualization of this inspirational prayer, which is practiced by many different Buddhist lineages.

Guru Rinpoche Long Life Empowerment (Washington and New York only)
The empowerment of Konchok Chidu (Embodiment of the Precious Ones) confers Guru Rinpoche’s most profound blessings for long life and freedom from obstacles. It encompasses all the Three Roots: the Lama in the form of Tsokye Dorje, a peaceful manifestation of Guru Rinpoche; the Yidam as Guru Drakpo, a wrathful manifestation of Guru Rinpoche; and the Khandro (dakini) as Senge Dongma. This empowerment may be received just for its blessing power.

Khenpo Tenzin’s Biography

January 24-26
Bodhi House
Olympia, Washington
(360) 459-1967
February 1-2
Orgyen Dorje Den
Alameda, California
(510) 337-1163

February 7-9
Amitabha Foundation
Rochester, New York
(585) 749-3626