Phowa Course in Switzerland

Rinpoche to offer Phowa Course in Lausanne, Switzerland December 1-9-2010

At Rigdzin Swiss- Thegchok Ling Centre
Ch. du Trabandan 51
1006 Lausanne

November Empowerments in Paris

Rinpoche will be giving the Guru Dragpo empowerment, Achi Chokyi Drolma (Drikung Kagyu main protector) empowerment, and Introduction to the True Nature of Mind Teachings in Paris France during November 2010.

For more information contact Amitabha France

Nov 1 Mon Arrive in Paris
Nov 2 Tue 9 am Preparation for Guru Dragpo Empowerment by Rinpoche only
2 pm Guru Dragpo Empowerment
Nov 3 Wed 9 am Preparation for Achi Empowerment by Rinpoche only
2 pm Achi Empowerment
Nov 4 Thu Interviews for True Nature of Mind Teachings
Nov 5 Fri Interviews for True Nature of Mind Teachings
Nov 6 Sat 9 am Introduction to True Nature of Mind Teachings
2 pm Introduction to the True Nature of the Mind Teachings
Nov 7 Sun Amitabha France and other meetings
Nov 7 Sun 9 pm Departure from Paris to Bangalore

Annual Phowa Course in Bodhgaya

The XVII Annual Phowa Course in Bodhgaya will be held January 14-23, 2012.

Bodhi Tree at the Mahabodhi Stupa in Bodhgaya

Please make your hotel and travel arrangements early as these dates follow immediately after the Kalachakra initiation with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, so Bodhgaya will be unusually full of pilgrims in January.  The 2012 schedule has not been set.

Bodhgaya logistics and travel information

Request for Statue and Temple Ornament Sponsors

Throne nearly ready for statue

There are many opportunities to contribute to the new Amitabha Foundation Temple and Retreat Center in Kathmandu.  Please read this March 17, 2010 letter from True Lhamo and see the recent photos of the temple, courtesy of Grace Wong.

Dear Friends,

I am sending here two attachments that will give you an idea of the number of statues and temple ornaments that are needed for the amitabha retreat center in kathmandu. The construction of the temple is almost complete including traditional carvings and paintings. The construction of the retreat cottages is to start in April. Due to lack of funds, the statues are being delayed.

In order for the project to be realized sooner and also to give an opportunity for those who wish to be a part of the project,  there are different sizes of statues and temple ornaments that need to be made and if  there are  people who may be interested in sponsoring  items, they may do so on their own or a few people can join together as group sponsors and dedicate the statues and ornaments in the name of their loved ones who are alive or dead. We can also write the names of the people at some place in the monastery or in front of the statues in whose names the statue or temple ornament has been dedicated.

Many greetings and best wishes to all of you,


Please select a statue or temple ornament that you would like to sponsor and donate today.  If you live in the US, you may receive a tax deduction for contributions made through the Amitabha Foundation, which is a 501[c]3 charitable organization.  Donate here through PayPal, or send your check in USD to Amitabha Foundation Treasurer, 109 Irvington Road, Rochester, NY 14620.

You may also donate directly to the Amitabha Foundation in Nepal:

Account Details:

  • Amitabha Foundation

    Saving account: (NPR) 01-1040987- 01

  • Amitabha Foundation

    Saving account: (Euro) 01-1040987-76

Bank Details:

    Standard Chartered Bank

    Naya Baneshwor Br

    Kathmandu, Nepal

    Swift Code: SCBLNPKA