Ontul Rinpoche to teach in Rochester

Venerable Ontul Rinpoche

Join us in welcoming Venerable Lho Ontul Rinpoche back to the Amitabha Foundation in Rochester, NY for a full weekend of teachings, July 13-15.

Ven. Ontul Rinpoche is a lineage holder in both the Drikung Kagyu and Nyingma traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, and is a renowned master of both Dzogchen and Mahamudra practice approaches. He has many students around the world, and has established Drikung Dzogchen Communities of practitioners in the West. He brings the special perspective of a householder to his teachings, and is able to relate to students with insight and humor.

Ontul Rinpoche has taught several times previously at the Amitabha Foundation in Rochester. This year, Ontul Rinpoche is traveling with his son Karma Ratna Rinpoche, an emanation of Nuden Dorje.

Loving-Kindness and Compassion: Discovering the Heart of the Buddha’s Teachings

Friday, July 13, 7-8:30 PM

An introduction to the Foundations of Yangzab Dzogchen

Saturday, July 14, 9-12 AM

Lojong: The Seven Point Mind Training

Saturday, July 14, 2-5 PM and Sunday, July 15, 9-11 AM, and 1-3 PM

Vajrasattva Tsok Offering Celebration

Sunday, July 15, 4-6 PM

For more information and to register