Life of Milarepa book discussion group in Rochester

Milarepa, by His Holiness The 17th Gyalwa Karmapa

New Book Discussion Group Starting January 8    Join us at the Rochester Dharma Center for lively discussions of the book, The Life of Milarepa, the story of a young man troubled by his great evil deeds, who dedicated himself to attaining enlightenment and became one of the most revered masters of Tibetan Buddhism. More than a biography, this book provides a wealth of  information about the Tibetan Buddhist path. Everyone is welcome. Tuesdays through March 5, 7-8:30 PM.  Life of Milarepa book discussion schedule.

Bodhgaya Schedule for 2013

Please see the detailed schedule for Ayang Rinpoche’s 2013 Annual Phowa Course in Bodhgaya.


Bodhgaya logistics and travel information


Rinpoche to give Introduction to True Nature of Mind in Bodhgaya

Immediately following his Annual Phowa Course in Bodhgaya, approximately January 12-15, 2013, Ayang Rinpoche will give Introduction to the True Nature of Mind teachings. The teachings take one day, and the date is flexible, depending on the number of people needing interviews to receive permission to take the teachings,.

Registration Open for Empowerments and Teachings in Rochester

Vajra Yogini Mandala from Amitabha Temple, Kathmandu

Vajra Yogini, Milarepa and Vajrasattva Empowerments

For the first time in North America, Rinpoche will bestow a group of three Phowa-related empowerments: Vajrasattva, Milarepa, and Vajra Yogini. Together with the empowerments of Amitabha, Amitayus, Chenrezig and Vajrapani, which are included as part of his Phowa Course, these three empowerments will enhance the practice of Phowa. Individuals may also take these empowerments simply for their blessing power, or to deepen their own practices of Vajrasattva, Milarepa or Vajra Yogini, as they relate to Ngondro (Preliminary Practice), True Nature of Mind (Dzogchen or Mahamudra), and development and completion stage practices from other Buddhist traditions.

For complete information and to register