100 Peaceful and Wrathful Deities (Shitro) Puja for the New Year


Peaceful Deities Thangka AR Wrathful Deities Thangka AR
Mandala of 42 Peaceful Deities Mandala of 58 Wrathful Deities

From March 6-12, 2017, Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery in Bylakuppe, South India will hold the annual Shitro (100 Peaceful and Wrathful Deities) Puja to welcome in Losar (Tibetan New Year, February 27) and celebrate Chötrul Düchen (March 12). Chötrul Düchen is one of the four holy Buddhist festivals commemorating significant events in the life of the Buddha. During the first fifteen days of the new year, the Buddha displayed miracles for his disciples to increase their devotion. During this time, it is believed that the effects of positive actions are multiplied ten million times.

Ayang Rinpoche said about the 100 Peaceful and Wrathful Deities practice, “It is the essence of the 6,400,000 Dzogchen tantras, and merely hearing this teaching cuts through birth in the lower realms; merely understanding it causes one to travel to the ground of great bliss (mahasukha); bringing its meaning to mind causes one to accomplish the irreversible state of the spontaneously arisen awareness holder.  For everyone who connects with this teaching there will be great purpose and meaning.” H.E. Ayang Rinpoche, 2009 (Trans. Tyler Dewar). Read a short excerpt of this teaching from Ayang Rinpoche’s 2009 Karma Lingpa Shitro empowerment in Garrison, New York.

“Any one who has family members, friends or loved ones who have died and would like to make donations and dedicate it to them, it [Shitro] is the best opportunity.”  If you would like to make offerings to support the 100 Peaceful and Wrathful Deities Puja online please use the link below, or send a check made out to Amitabha Foundation to P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, California 95001. Be sure to include the names of persons or pets (living or deceased) for whom you are requesting prayers. Names must be received by March 9, 2017 to be included in the prayer list for the monastery, but offerings are welcome at any time. Donations sent through the Amitabha Foundation are tax deductible in the US.

Support the 2017 Shitro puja with butterlamps, tsok, or money offerings and tea/meals for the monks and lamas with an online donation using PayPal or your credit card:

Puja sponsor
Names for prayers:

You may also send your donation directly to the monastery’s bank account using the information below (this will not be tax-deductible).

Account Number 17082200011214
Account Name Drikung Charitable Society
Bank Name Syndicate Bank, Bylakuppe -571104 Branch
Bank Address Kagyudpa Monastic InstituteP.O.Bylakuppe 571104, Mysore District Karnataka State, India

Swift Codes for:

  • US dollars: SYNBIN BB 118 BKTRUS 33
  • UK Pound: SYNBIN BB 118 BARCCB 22
  • Euro: SYNBIN BB 118 DUTCH BANK-953492610
  • Swiss Franc: SYNBINN BB 118 UBSWCH2H 80A


Click here to see a list of all the annual pujas at Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery, with the lunar calendar dates. The Western calendar dates will be posted as soon as they are announced.

Nurse or medical volunteer needed in Bylakuppe

Young Monks at Ayang Rinpoche’s Monastery in Bylakuppe
There is an immediate need for a nurse or someone with some medical experience to care for the daily health and hygiene needs of the monks at Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery in South India. There are approximately 130 monks currently in residence, with an additional 30 young monks due to arrive soon. This a very special opportunity to give the gift of your time, energy and experience.
Entrance to Ayang Monastery, Bylakuppe
The volunteer will live in the monastery guest house and receive meals and tea in exchange for their services.
Desirable traits that are beneficial: compassionate, respectful of cultural differences, flexible, patient, perseverant, humble—and sense of humor.
The duties of the medical volunteer will include:
  • Teaching and supervising personal health and hygiene (hand washing before meals, hair washing, showering, washing dress and bedsheets) for 100 monks ages 5-19;
  • Dispensing and applying medicines;
  • Ordering and shopping for medicines and dispensary supplies.
The minimum commitment is 6 months. For more information, download a complete job description here. To apply, send your resume to Ani Samten at the monastery.

Guru Dragpo Puja to Remove New Year Obstacles

The annual Guru Dragpo puja at Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery in Bylakuppe, India, begins February 19, 2017 and continues for 7 days through February 25, 2017. Guru Dragpo is practiced at the end of the Tibetan lunar year to dispel obstacles and purify any remaining negativities in order to usher in happiness and prosperity for the New Year (Losar), which is February 27th this year.

You may participate at home by reciting the Guru Dragpo short mantra:

Guru Dragpo short mantra


You may also participate by reciting the Guru Rinpoche mantra (see below) or the Seven-Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche. Click here for Ayang Rinpoche’s teaching on the Seven-Line Prayer, and the prayer in Tibetan and English.

Vajra Guru mantra


Ayang Rinpoche has said that anyone sponsoring Dharma activities gains the same merit as the practitioners. If you would like to make a US tax-deductible contribution to the Guru Dragpo puja using PayPal or your credit card, please select the amount of your donation below. The full cost of the puja for 280 monks, nuns, khenpos and lamas is $21,650. Here are some suggestions, but your donation of any amount will be appreciated and will be like a drop of water mixed in an ocean of merit. You may include a dedication for your offering in the name of a loved one, including pets. All names must be submitted to the Amitabha Foundation by February 22 at 5 PM Pacific Standard Time.

Puja sponsor
Names for prayers:

You may also send a check in USD made out to Amitabha Foundation to: P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, California 95001. and send the names for dedication to info@amitabhafoundation.us.

For donors outside the United States, here is the link to make offerings directly to the monastery’s account through the Drikung Charitable Society.

Twenty-Third Annual Phowa Course in Bodhgaya: MAP

mahabodhi2January 17-26, 2017 Bodhgaya, India

XXIII Annual Phowa Course flyer and daily schedule


Ayang Rinpoche is a world-renowned master of Phowa (transference of consciousness at the time of death). Rinpoche says, “My Phowa teaching is for a joyful end to one’s life. While you are alive, don’t forget about preparing for your death, as we don’t know when or how our life will end.” Read more about Phowa here. Every year Ayang Rinpoche offers his 10-day Phowa Course in the holy city of Bodhgaya, where the Buddha became enlightened. The next course is January 17-26, 2017.

Bodhgaya is extremely crowded this time of year, but if you would like to make last-minute arrangements to attend, see above for links to the detailed flyer and daily schedule, and these other helpful links:

Bodhgaya Logistics and Travel Information and Bodhgaya Teachings Site Map

Rinpoche invites everyone, whether or not they can make a pilgrimage to Bodhgaya this year, to make an auspicious connection by sponsoring the teachings. Rinpoche gives the teachings in Bodhgaya every year free of charge, and your US tax-deductible donation will help ensure that these teachings continue for years to come.

The Amitabha Foundation is dedicated to helping anyone who wishes to learn about the one inevitable event of every sentient being – DEATH. On the surface, it may seem to be a morbid subject that people may not want to deal with. Some may not even want to think about it. But according to His Eminence Ayang Rinpoche, “If one knows how to die, then one will truly know how to live this life to the fullest without wasting any time on frivolous activities.” Screen Shot 2017-01-16 at 7.27.56 PM