Losar Tashi Delek! Happy Year of the Wood Sheep!

Shitro Mandala Shrine

Shitro Shrine

Shitro Mandala Shrine at H.E. Chöje Ayang Rinpoche’s Monastery

Losar is February 19, 2015. At Ayang Rinpocphe’s monastery, they will raise prayer flags on February 21st. Hanging new prayer flags at the New Year increases good fortune, health and power, and serves to spread compassion, wisdom and peace in the 10 directions.  Make a donation of any amount for the prayer flags.

To usher in an auspicious New Year, everyone at Rinpoche monastery will practice Shitro, also known as the 100 Peaceful and Wrathful Deities, February 27 through March 5.

“This teaching of the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities is the supreme method for yogis and yoginis who are entering into the practices of the Creation Stage, the Completion State and the Great Perfection.  It is the supreme method for them to amend all of their impairments of samaya that have become fragmented.  It is the supreme method for them to purify the obscurations of conceptuality, and it is the supreme method for them to help all sentient beings, for them to pull all sentient beings up from the lower realms of samsara and to establish them in the karmic fortune of obtaining the supreme siddhi [enlightenment].

“It is the essence of the 6,400,000 Dzogchen tantras, and merely hearing this teaching cuts through birth in the lower realms; merely understanding it causes one to travel to the ground of great bliss (mahasukha); bringing its meaning to mind causes one to accomplish the irreversible state of the spontaneously arisen awareness holder.  For everyone who connects with this teaching there will be great purpose and meaning.”  (H.E. Ayang Rinpoche, 2009 Karma Lingpa Shitro Empowerment at Garrison, NY, Translated by Tyler Dewar)  Read a short teaching 

“Any one who has family members, friends or loved ones who have died and would like to make donations and dedicate it to them, it is the best opportunity.    (True Lhamo on behalf of H. E. Chöje Ayang Rinpoche)

To send in names of loved ones, family members, friends or pets who have passed, especially during the past year, you may make a donation which is tax-deductible in the US by sending a check made out to Amitabha Foundation to P. O. Box 2572, Aptos, California 95001, or make your donation online with the links below.

Shitro sponsor

Names for prayers:

Year-end activities at Thupten Shedrub Jangchub Ling

Procession at Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery in South India

Losar is celebrated February 19, 2015.  The Guru Dragpo (Wrathful Guru Rinpoche) puja, held annually before Losar to clear away obstacles for the new year, will take place at Thupten Shedrub Jangchub Ling February 11-18, 2015.  Everyone is welcome to make an auspicious connection with this practice by sponsoring meals and tea for the monks and lamas, tsok, butterlamps, and money offerings for the monks. In 2012 the full cost of the puja, including offering substances and all meals for 280 monks, lamas, nuns and khenpos over 7 days was $21,650.  Please help us support these precious activities, while dedicating the merit to your loved ones and all sentient beings!

Listen to H.E. Chöje Ayang Rinpoche chant the Guru Dragpo mantra.

Guru Dragpo sponsor
Names for prayers:

Bodhgaya Phowa Course 2015 Daily Schedule



Download the Full Schedule:  2015 DAILY SCHEDULE OF PHOWA COURSE

Jan 8/2015 Thur

9.00 am Short Introductory teaching on Phowa *

2.00 pm Buddha Amitabha Empowerment *

Jan 9/2015 Fri

7.00 am Full Day-Detailed Phowa Teaching

Jan 10/2015 Sat

7.00 am Nyingma Phowa Oral Transmission Blessing *

1.00 pm Nyingma Phowa Practice

4.30 pm Vajrasattva Teaching

Jan 11/2015 Sun

7.00 am Nyingma Phowa Practice

1.00 pm Drikung Phowa Teaching

4.30 pm Pureland Long Aspiration Prayer under the Bodhi Tree and Circumambulation *+

Jan 12/2015 Mon

7.00 am Drikung Phowa Oral Transmission Blessing with Practice

1.00 pm Three Excellences Teaching *

4.30 pm Pureland Long Aspiration Prayer under the Bodhi Tree and Circumambulation *+

Jan 13/2015 Tue

7.00 am Buddha Amitabha Meditation Teaching *

1.00 pm Drikung Phowa Practice

4.30 pm Pureland Long Aspiration Prayer under the Bodhi Tree and Circumambulation *+

Jan 14/2015 Wed

7.00 am Drikung Phowa Practice

1.00 pm Jetsun Milarepa Guru Yoga Tsog Offering Prayer *

4.30 pm Pureland Long Aspiration Prayer under the Bodhi Tree and Circumambulation *+

Jan 15/2015 Thur

7.00 am Short Drikung Phowa Practice and Short Amitabha Sadhana Practice

1.00 pm Teaching on doing phowa for others at the moment of death

4.30 pm Pureland Long Aspiration Prayer under the Bodhi Tree and Circumambulation *+

Jan 16/2015 Fri

7.00 am Teaching on doing phowa for oneself at the moment of death and instruction on how to practice Phowa after the course

1.00 pm Short Nyingma Phowa Practice

4.30 pm Pureland Long Aspiration Prayer under the Bodhi Tree and Circumambulation *+

Jan 17/2015 Sat

8.00 am Buddha Amitabha Tsog Offering Prayer *+


*Indicates- Open to Public

+ Rinpoche prefers all students to go to the Bodhi Tree and circumambulate every evening. He also prefers students to stay until the end of Buddha Amitabha Tsog, which ends about 10:30 pm.

AFTER THE COURSE: Rinpoche recommends all students practice Phowa daily for two weeks after the course, whether or not they have received a Phowa sign during the course. Daily Phowa practice sessions are offered every morning at the Phowa site for two weeks following the course. They are several hours long, and end before lunch.


New Teaching Schedule for Australia


Ayang Rinpoche Switzerland 2014

Please see the revised schedule for Rinpoche’s upcoming teachings in Australia, or download the full description here: Sydney Teachings 2014