100 Deities Puja February 18-24


Wall Murals of the 42 Peaceful and 58 Wrathful Deities from Nyenlung Monestary, Eastern Tibet

True Lhamo sends this message to everyone connected with Ayang Rinpoche:

“Just letting you know that the  annual 100 Deities puja will start from Feb 18 and conclude on Feb 24th. If one had to request the 100 deities pujas on the 49th day of a deceased, one would have to bear the whole expense, which would be more expensive having to do it by yourself.

Therefore, any one who has family members, friends or loved ones who have died and would like to make donations and dedicate it to them, it is the best opportunity.

Best wishes and regards,


Read a short teaching on the 100 Peaceful and Wrathful Deities from Ayang Rinpoche’s 2009 Karma Lingpa Shitro empowerment in Garrison, NY.

If you would like to make a donation please use this link, or send a check made out to Amitabha Foundation to 11 South Goodman Street, Rochester, New York 14607. Be sure to include the names of persons or pets for whom you are requesting prayers. Donations sent through the Amitabha Foundation are tax deductible in the US. You may also send your donation directly to the monastery’s bank account using the information below.

Account Number 17082200011214
Account Name Drikung Charitable Society
Bank Name Syndicate Bank, Bylakuppe -571104 Branch
Bank Address Kagyudpa Monastic InstituteP.O.Bylakuppe 571104, Mysore District Karnataka State, India

Swift Codes for:

  • US dollars: SYNBIN BB 118 BKTRUS 33
  • UK Pound: SYNBIN BB 118 BARCCB 22
  • Euro: SYNBIN BB 118 DUTCH BANK-953492610
  • Swiss Franc: SYNBINN BB 118 UBSWCH2H 80A

Losar Tashi Delek

Losar Greeting from Ayang Rinpoche

New Year Greeting from Ayang Rinpoche

To all my students, disciples and friends,

Greetings and best wishes for the Western New Year.  I send you my strongest aspirations and prayers for the success of your Dharma practice and your activities with pure motivation for the wellbeing of others. In particular, I pray that all of our projects and activities to benefit the Buddhadharma and to bring help to all beings in this world will reach successful completion.

Even though conditions in the world are becoming more difficult, by our positive activities we can make the effects of Kali Yuga times lighter. We must make our determination to succeed in our spiritual practice stronger and more stable. For Buddhist practitioners the essence of Buddhadharma is to recognize our Buddha Nature. If we can do this, it is like having one key that can open limitless doors of peace and harmony that will benefit worldly beings. We must emphasize this practice – it is so important.

Read the full letter here: New Year 2013 Greeting

Life of Milarepa book discussion group in Rochester

Milarepa, by His Holiness The 17th Gyalwa Karmapa

New Book Discussion Group Starting January 8    Join us at the Rochester Dharma Center for lively discussions of the book, The Life of Milarepa, the story of a young man troubled by his great evil deeds, who dedicated himself to attaining enlightenment and became one of the most revered masters of Tibetan Buddhism. More than a biography, this book provides a wealth of  information about the Tibetan Buddhist path. Everyone is welcome. Tuesdays through March 5, 7-8:30 PM.  Life of Milarepa book discussion schedule.