Amitabha Meditation Center in Bodhgaya

Main Entrance to Phowa Institute

Construction is continuing on the main temple as seen from the gate as well as on the monks’ and guests’ quarters surrounding the main temple.

Main Temple Area


Sleeping quarters

Sleeping quarters

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Ayang Residential School Report

The Amitabha Foundation is helping support a boarding school in Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery area in eastern Tibet.  In August 2008, a meeting was convened and attended by Yushu County officials, the Rashu Township Secretary, the school headmaster, representatives of Ayang Monastery, the school’s 5 teachers (2 full-time and 3 part-time), students’ parents and 92 students. They met to discuss four major issues: (1) funding received from the conclusion of 2006 to June 2008; (2) delivering of food supplies; (3) delivery of 91 students’ summer and winter uniforms and shoes; (4) sponsorship of 17 additional students.

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