H.E. Choeje Ayang Rinpoche’s Upcoming Retreats

Rinpoche will be traveling to Kittery, Maine to teach on Buddha Amitabha 10 Levels, August 6-11 and then to Rochester, NY for Buddha Vajrasattva teachings August 15-20. We hope you can join us at one of these locations!
Rinpoche will be traveling to Kittery, Maine to teach on Buddha Amitabha 10 Levels, August 6-11 and then to Rochester, NY for Buddha Vajrasattva teachings August 15-20.  We hope you can join us at one of these locations!

*Reservations for nearby hotels must be made by July 24 to receive the reduced rate.

Contact NY@amitabhafoundation.us for the hotel reservation codes.

Other Upcoming Retreats:

8/24-9/2 – Phowa Course – Toronto, Ontario

9/6-9/11 – Milarepa Empowerment & Intro to True Nature of Mind –
Edmonton, Alberta

9/14-9/23 – Phowa Course – Vancouver, British Columbia

9/27-10/6 – Phowa Course – Eugene, Oregon

10/10-10/14 – Buddha Amitabha Empowerment & Teachings and

Vajrayogini Empowerment – San Francisco Bay Area


Contacting Us:

Amitabha Foundation Website

Ayang Rinpoche Website

Ayang Rinpoche on Facebook