Monks relaxing

Monks at Ayang Rinpoche's Monastery in Bylakuppe

Monks at Ayang Rinpoche’s Monastery in Bylakuppe

Click here for more photos and commentary by Ani Samten about life in Bylakuppe.

Ayang Rinpoche’s Global Travel and Teaching Schedule

Ayang Rinpoche France


mahabodhi2January 17-26, 2017 Bodhgaya, India

XXIII Annual Phowa Course

Bodhgaya Logistics and Travel Information and Bodhgaya teachings site map

Rinpoche invites everyone, whether or not they can make a pilgrimage to Bodhgaya this year, to make an auspicious connection by sponsoring the teachings. Rinpoche gives the teachings in Bodhgaya every year free of charge, and your tax-deductible (in the US only) donation will help ensure that these teachings continue for years to come.

Phowa Sponsorship

San Jose, California Phowa Course Begins September 9

Ayang Rinpoche

We are happy to welcome His Eminence Chöje Ayang Rinpoche to San Jose, California again this year. The 10-day Phowa Course begins tonight with a public talk, “Short Introduction to Phowa (Transference of Consciousness at the Time of Death)”, 7 PM at the San Jose Scottish Rite Center, 2455 Masonic Drive, San Jose, CA 95125. This is open to the public and everyone is welcome.

The Phowa Course continues September 10, with the Amitabha Empowerment, 6 PM at the San Jose Masonic Center, 2500 Masonic Drive, San Jose, CA 95125. This is also open to the public.

The remainder of the Phowa Course will be held September 11-18 at the San Jose Masonic Center. Many of the events are open to the public, including: Nyingma and Drikung Oral Transmission Blessings, Vajrasattva meditation and teaching, Three Excellences teaching, Buddha Amitabha meditation and teaching, Milarepa tsok offering prayer ceremony, and the Buddha Amitabha tsok offering and Liberation for Dead Beings prayer ceremony.

Even if you aren’t able to attend any part of the Phowa Course, you may make a connection with the activities by making a donation or sending in names to be included in the Liberation for Dead Beings prayer ceremony (Neydren). You may make an offering on behalf of loved ones or pets, or any other beings, no matter how long ago they have passed. All names must be submitted by Friday, September 16 at 5 PM Pacific Standard Time. Donations for the Liberation Prayers will support our Safe Childbirth in Tibet project.

Liberation Prayers

Download the full Phowa Course schedule here.

There is no charge to attend the Phowa Course or any of the teachings, empowerment or prayer ceremonies.

Amitabha Drupchen in Bylakuppe

Khenpo Kunchok TashiIMG_5354
Ayang Rinpoche holds annual Drubchens at his monasteries at Dechen Choekhor Ling in Mundgod and Thupten Shedrub Jangchub Ling in Bylakuppe.  The Annual Drubchen at Bylakuppe this year is Amitabha Buddha and will begin August 6, the holy day of Chokhor Duchen, celebrating Buddha Shakyamuni’s first turning of the wheel of Dharma. The Amitabha Drupchen will last until approximately August 23, depending on when the total count of 1 billion Buddha Amitabha mantra is accumulated. The Vajra Master for the Drupchen is Khenpo Konchog Tashi. All the  Rinpoches, Khenpos, Monks, Nuns and Lay people will be chanting Buddha Amitabha mantras to accumulate the 1 billion total during the Drubchen.


Ayang Rinpoche requests that all Buddhist practitioners and others associated with the Amitabha Foundation worldwide contribute to this practice and send their recitations of the Buddha Amitabha Mantra to accumulate the 1 billion total. Mantras may be accumulated and the totals sent in daily between August 6 and August 16. Send your mantra totals through the Amitabha Foundation in your own country, or directly to or Please do not send your mantra totals to more than one email address.


The Buddha Amitabha mantra is OM AMI DEWA HRI.


The total expenses of the Drubchen is approximately $30,000. People who wish to dedicate prayers for their loved ones living or dead and would like to sponsor or donate towards meals, butter lamp, Tsog,  tea, alter, offerings for monks and nuns, management and travel expenses, may send in their contributions through Amitabha Foundation in their own country or directly to the monastery’s account (see the information below).  For a US-tax-deductible donation you may also send a check in USD to Amitabha Foundation USA, P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, California 95001, or use the PayPal button below.

Amitabha Drupchen sponsor
Names for prayers: