Guru Rinpoche 100,000 Tsok Offering Puja in July

Guru Rinpoche Tsok Offering Shrine, Bylakuppe


Guru Rinpoche 100,000 Tsok Offering Puja 2015

A Guru Rinpoche 100,000 Tsok Offering Puja will be held at Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery in Bylakuppe, South India this July. It will begin on Guru Rinpoche’s Birthday, July 13, and continue on July 14, 2016. This year is the year of the fire monkey, an extremely auspicious time, as fire monkey is the birth year of Guru Rinpoche. It will be another 60 years years before this powerful anniversary happens again. Click here for more photos from last year’s puja.

The practice of offering tsok helps to remove obstacles and obscurations, and to accumulate merit and wisdom, bringing peace, positive circumstances, and liberation, as we dedicate the merit to all beings.

To make an auspicious connection with the 100,000 Guru Rinpoche Tsok Offering Puja, and to dedicate the merit in the name of a loved one, please make your donation below, or send a check in USD to Amitabha Foundation, P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, California 95001.

May all beings benefit!

Puja sponsor
Names for prayers:

Teachings in Hong Kong November 1-6

Ayang Rinpoche Rigdzin Suisse - Version 2

H E Ayang Rinpoche will come to Hong Kong to bestow the True Nature of Mind teaching and to host other Dharma activities in November 2016, details are as follows. Download the poster with more details.

Nov 1, 2016    Milarepa Empowerment

Nov 2, 2016    Achi Chokyi Drolma Empowerment and Teaching

Nov 3, 2016    True Nature of Mind Teaching

Nov 4, 2016    Morning: True Nature of Mind Teaching (Continue)

 Evening:     Milarepa Tsog Offering Puja

Nov 6, 2016    Life Release at sea (Fee for boat ticket)


Achi Chokyi Drolma Empowerment and Teaching: HK$300

True Nature of Mind Teaching (including 2 empowerments): HK$2,000 (if received teachings previously HK$1,000)

MilarepaEmpowerment and Tsog Offering Puja: Free admission, open to public

*Ordained Monks and Nuns are at half cost, except Life Release on 6 November.

(All income received will be used for the expenses during the activities,  including rental, venue set up, offering materials, Rinpoche, Lama and Translator’s air tickets and accommodation, etc. All remaining surplus will be donated to Rinpoche’s Dharma projects.)

Enrollment method and interview arrangement for True Nature of Mind Teaching will be announced later.


Tsim Sha Tsui District Kaifong Welfare Association

Housing:  for lower cost hotels, guesthouses & service apartments also provides information on more comfortable & better standard hotels

Amitabha Foundation, Hong Kong
Flat A, 13/F, Waldorf Mansion, 2-6 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Tel:  51065430(Whatsapp,Wechat available)

New Global Giving Campaign for Safe Home Childbirth In Tibet

Dr. Ngagay checking a newborn at Rima Village Clinic

In honor of the U.S. holiday of Mother’s Day, May 8, 2016, we are kicking off a new fundraising campaign through Global Giving to support our clinic in Tibet. In 2014 we raised $27,165 and in 2015 another $5,025 for our Safe Childbirth in Tibet project through Global Giving. Our success was due to the exceptional generosity of friends of the Amitabha Foundation, and their friends reached through Facebook, Twitter and other online social media.

Our goal this year is to raise $30,000, enough to pay health workers’ salaries for 1 year, provide training and supplies to reduce infant mortality and purchase a new ambulance for the Rima Village Clinic in Ayang Rinpoche’s birthplace area in Eastern Tibet. Read more about our Global Giving project here, or make a donation now. You can pay online or by check.

Give Now

Even if you have very limited financial resources, you can help us raise money for this important cause by creating your own personalized fundraising page for this project. You could set one up to commemorate Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, your birthday, your wedding, the marathon you’re about to run, your new business venture, to remember a loved one, or for any other reason you can think of!

Share our project on Twitter or Facebook, so we can reach others who will care about saving mothers’ and infants’ lives in this remote area on the Tibetan Plateau. Every new person you connect with could make the difference in providing a clean home birth with an educated birth attendant and access to emergency care.

Thank you for caring!

Achi Chokyi Drolma Offering Puja in Bylakuppe April 20-26

Wrathful Achi from Ayang Rinpoche

Drikung Kagyu Dharma Protector Achi Chokyi Drolma


The annual 100,000 Achi Tsog Offering Puja at Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery in Bylakuppe will begin April 20 and last for one week.

Those who would like to make an auspicious connection with the Achi Tsok Offering Puja may send their donations to the Drikung Charitable Society account. For a tax deductible donation in the U.S., please send your check to the Amitabha Foundation, P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, California 95001, or donate online below. Please do not send in any names for dedication at this point, as the pujas have finished for this year.

Achi sponsor
Names for prayers:

Here is an edited excerpt of a short biography of Achi Chokyi Drolma, given by Ayang Rinpoche in Sydney, Australia in 2004:

Achi Chokyi Drolma is an emanation of Vajra Yogini and Tara. She was born in the central area of Tibet. Beginning at a young age she was very special. She had great compassion and always practiced Tara, and she taught the Tara prayer for everyone in the village. When she grew older she prophesized that in the future there would be a new Buddhadharma lineage, and that she would be that lineage’s Dharma protector, whereupon she wrote protector offering prayers. Several generations later, her great grandson Jigten Sumgon started the Drikung lineage and she did become the main lineage Dharma protector.

She moved to Eastern Tibet, married and had 4 sons. Her most holy practice place is in East Tibet. At her death she attained the Great Rainbow Body. Her entire body become rainbows and light, leaving only her hair and nails. Like this, with no need to change this physical body, she went to the Pure Land.

On the relative level Achi was like the Dharma protector. But on the ultimate level, Achi had already attained the 10th Bhumi of a Bodhisattva. In this way, Achi was already enlightened. Achi’s activity in Tibet is very famous. All the Tibetan people, especially the older generation people, know very well about her great activity, how it is so helpful because it is very fast. In Tibet, some great masters say that Achi is exactly the same as the Buddha, and if we pray to Achi, then by our Achi practice we will achieve enlightenment, or we will attain the Pure Land at our death moment.