Bodhgaya Phowa Course venue

Ayang Rinpoche’s Phowa Course will be held at the Mahabodhi Society of India, January 13-22, 2020.

More information

Every year Rinpoche’s teachings in Bodhgaya are given free of charge. Help sponsor the teachings, and make an auspicious connection with the Bodhgaya Phowa Course this year with a US-tax-deductible donation.


Venue for 2020 Bodhgaya teachings

Phowa Course in Indianapolis, September 5-15

Phowa Course with His Eminence Chöje Ayang Rinpoche

September 5-15, 2019

Indianapolis, Indiana


During the course Rinpoche will bestow:

Buddha Amitabha Empowerment
Buddha Amitabha Meditation Teaching and Practice
Nyingma and Drikung Phowa Oral Transmission, Teaching and Practice
Vajrasattva and Three Excellences Teachings
Milarepa and Amitabha Tsog Offering Ceremonies
Liberation Prayer for the deceased

Sponsored by An Lac Temple

An Lac Temple
5249 E. 30th Street – Indianapolis, IN 46218
Map and direction

2019 Indianapolis Phowa Course Information Sheet

2019 Indianapolis Phowa Course Daily Schedule

There is no fee to attend the Phowa Course, but registration is strongly recommended to reserve your space.

Register Today!

For further information and registration support, please contact:
Ven. Thien Huong (+1) 260-416-4199
Pema Zangmo (+1) 408-421-0330

For information in Vietnamese, please see here.

For more information, and opportunities to sponsor and make offerings, please visit An Lac Temple website.

Bodhgaya Phowa Course 2020

January 13-22, 2020

Details to Follow

Bodhgaya Phowa Course Sponsorship



Bodhgaya 2019: Amitabha 10-Levels and Introduction True Nature of Mind Teachings

Chöje Ayang Rinpoche will offer teachings on Buddha Amitabha Ten Levels and Introduction to True Nature of Mind this year in Bodhgaya instead of his Phowa Course.

  • December 30 – January 3  Amitabha Ten Levels Teachings
  • January 4-5  Introduction to True Nature of Mind Teachings

In order to take the Introduction to True Nature of Mind Teachings, you must have a personal interview with Rinpoche between December 25-29 in Bodhgaya and receive his permission to take the teachings, or have received prior permission from Rinpoche.

For those of you who are attending and don’t understand Tibetan, please bring an AM/FM radio with ear buds or head phones to listen to simultaneous translation of English and other languages.

Click here for information about logistics related to Bodhgaya and the location of the teachings.

Rinpoche will give these teachings in Bodhgaya again free of charge. You can make a year-end US tax-deductible donation to help ensure that these teachings continue for years to come.

Bodhgaya Teaching Sponsorship